Luxun China/Canada/Australia exchange


Crossing Time Zones: China/Canada/Australia exchange


“Crossing Time Zones” is an international online exhibition featuring works by emerging artists from China, Canada, and Australia. Bringing together Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts & Technology (York University), Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts (Shenyang, China), LAFA Gallery at Lu Xun Academy, and the Sino-Canada Alliance for the Arts (Canada), the project is led by Dr. Sun Wei [Suvy] (Professor of Arts Management, Lu Xun Academy) and Dr. Melanie Wilmink (Curator & Visiting Scholar, Sensorium). We are grateful for the support of the Canada-China Initiatives Fund Committee at the York Centre for Asian Research (CIFF-YCAR) as well as Dr. Joel Ong and Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts & Technology at York University. Special thanks to Maggie Bai (中加澳) for administrative support.

By representing artists from China, Canada, and Australia together, we aim to reveal the similarities and differences in creative approach fostered by unique cultural identities. The Canadian artists selected for the exhibition come from across the country, including Halifax, Toronto, Edmonton, and Calgary, and many of them identify as Asia-pacific diaspora with family ties to China, Philippines, and Korea. These complex identities are put into dialogue with artists from China and Australia, who have experienced similar cultural negotiations through their own travels, global citizenship, and ancestral connections to place. At the same time, the artworks also document responses to the pandemic, settler-relations and colonialism, the environmental crisis, as well as expanded notions of emplacement in a world where the line between physical and virtual is increasingly blurred.

Starting in Fall 2022, the exhibition will be promoted through WeChat and other social platforms in China and Canada, so that international audiences can access the exhibits.

For more information:
Sino-Canada Alliance for the Arts -
WeChat official account:SinoCanArts加中文化艺术联盟
Facebook: Scaac Sinocanarts


Andrew Harris (If Only Yesterday took place Tomorrow), CANADA

Bobby Yuan Yin (I can't Drink with you Any More), CANADA

Carmen Yuen (My Reflection Main Hall: A Place to Think), CANADA

Clara Kim (Ocean), CANADA

Danan Lake (An Excerpt of the Story of the Inexperienced Ghost), CANADA

Declan David (Persona), CANADA

Diana Ohiozebau (All In This Together II), CANADA

Elena Miller (In a Sentimental Mood), CANADA

Evelyn Trista Baik (Facial Ecstasy & Living Burnt), CANADA

Jared Neto (Family Fruit & Flower), CANADA

Justina Yu (Don't be afraid my child), CANADA

Lester Dou (Vital Force 1 & 2), CANADA

Maya Keleris (Fishing for Minnows), CANADA

Nava Waxman (The Face of the Sea), CANADA

Noah Harrison (Invasion Piece), CANADA

Sandra Pascuzzi (In Other Worlds), CANADA

Yifan Liu (Between Folds), CANADA


Zihao Xiong (Undefined Series I), CANADA

Ian Williams (Original Things), AUSTRALIA

Yin Lu (Bloom from Within & The Red-crowned Crane), AUSTRALIA

Caspar Fairhall (Spatial variations & Folded cube), AUSTRALIA

Holly Yoshida (Offerings ), AUSTRALIA

Sitong Lu (束缚 Bondage), AUSTRALIA

Peichen Tong (David (1), CHINA

丁永升《跳水练习, CHINA

付强《方舟, CHINA

海日《墙》, CHINA

李博《淅辞》, CHINA

李潇然 《月中行·谧谧》, CHINA

李雪琳《巨人与女孩》, CHINA

刘昊天《假面系列之粉色时代》, CHINA

柳丁-《小京都》, CHINA

牛文娟《一方水土》, CHINA

石峰 《东方嬉皮士》, CHINA

田佳龙 《雪域藏歌系列——施》, CHINA

完么才让《千手观音》, CHINA

王文汐《乐园——喷泉》, CHINA

昊胤岗《重组与破碎》, CHINA

徐梁《黎明黄昏》, CHINA

严旭《如梦令》, CHINA

杨成 《田园耕读乐》, CHINA

周进文《前进之路》, CHINA

周美如、殷西辚《囫囵》, CHINA

曾鲲《ma-skyes-a-ma》, CHINA